Referral for Private Healthcare

 Referral to Nuffield Health Exeter

In most cases access to Private Healthcare still begins with a visit to your GP who will make an initial assessment and offer advice regarding the availability of care. If your GP is local they will almost certainly have the referral contact details for Mr Mandalia. Your GP can refer you to a clinician of your choice and will write a referral letter on your behalf.


If, however, you are a national or international patient and wish to have a referral to Mr Mandalia you can contact us initially to request further information regarding the referral procedure.



Nuffield Health Exeter Referral SecretaryAfter the referral has been received by Nuffield Health in Exeter a consultation is arranged and you will be contacted. You may be asked to come to the hospital before the consultation so that x-rays can be taken. All this will be confirmed when you initially receive the appointment date.  If you have had any x-rays or scans taken at another hospital or clinic it is likely that we may ask you to bring them to the consultation.


You will not be under any pressure to accept the initial date to attend a consultation. If you would like to request a different date or time please contact  Mr Mandalia's Nuffield Health secretary. The details are on the contact page.


As part of the referral process you will be advised of the cost of the initial consultation and any preliminary investigations before you attend clinic.


For your information:

It's possible to seek private treatment from a consultant or specialist without a referral by your GP. However, the British Medical Association (BMA) believes that, in most cases, it's best practice for patients to be referred for specialist treatment by their GP.


Nuffield Health - Ways to Pay 

Nuffield Health - Information about Orthopaedic treatments


Continue to: Initial Consultation



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